Saturday, June 14, 2008

Me and WI in the NYT

I'm in the New York Times this weekend . . . kind of.

In this weekend's installment of his "On Language" column, William Safire discusses the etymology of the term "the almighty dollar," which Irving coined in his 1836 short story "The Creole Village." (Yup -- apart from giving New Yorker's the words "Gotham" and "Knicks," he also gave economists and op-ed writers "the almighty dollar.")

I point you to this article not only because it's Irving, but because I was Safire's source when it came to ensuring he got everything involving Irving correct, pointing him toward the original magazine article in "The Magnolia," and providing him with a copy of the original story. I'm not mentioned in the article, but that's still pretty neat, huh?

Anyway, you can read Safire's column here. But if you're a fan of writing and language, I'll bet you're reading Safire's column already.